The Green Hills Of Albany - A song about the Anzacs and Gallipoli. | SongLibrary

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The Green Hills Of Albany

A song to commemorate the Anzacs.
In 1914 the largest gathering of ships even seen in Australian waters occurred at Albany in Western Australia. The men who sailed from there were bound for Gallipoli and an unknown fate.

Commissioned by the Western Australian Primary Schools' Massed Choir Festival, 2014.
The Green Hills of Albany - Anzac Song


The Green Hills of Albany
Download includes:
vocal recording
backing track
piano/vocal score
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piano/vocal score only
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Note: through an arrangement with APRA/AMCOS schools from Australia and New Zealand only may make 5 copies of each score purchased.
Stacks Image 13451
8 to adult
World War I
Anzac Day
unison or 2-part choir
opt. solo
Musical Range:
C#4 to D5
Stacks Image 2739532

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vocal recording - preview
Available now
The Green Hills of Albany - DVD
  • video with full audio recording (as above)
  • video with instrumental backing track - for use in performance.
total running time 8:58
plus postage and packaging
Australia $6 (1-5 business days) $12 (1-2 business days)
all other countries
$10 (3-10 business days)
Note: DVD in PAL format only (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK)
The Green Hills of Albany
Words and music by Glyn Lehmann

Verse 1
From all over Australia, New Zealand too
The willing heeded the call
From the farms and the goldfields, small towns, big cities
To the West they came one and all

Verse 2
To the harbour they marched with purpose and pride
To what fate no-one could say
On Mt Clarence the townspeople gathered to cheer
As they boarded the ships in the bay

From the green hills of Albany
They sailed away to sea
From King George Sound
To their destiny bound
In the hills of Gallipoli

Verse 3
‘Twas a sight never seen before nineteen fourteen
A convoy of ships so grand
Thirty thousand aboard headed for the Great War
In a far away foreign land

Verse 4
To the distant horizon they headed full steam
Looking back to the land from the sea
And the last sight for many of the country they loved
Were the green hills of Albany


Instrumental (The Last Post)

Verse 5
On Mt Clarence the townspeople gathered once more
This time quiet and still
In the dawn’s early light they made their pledge
Remember them
Remember them
Remember them – we will


© 2013 Glyn Lehmann. All rights reserved.
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