Mozart's father Leopold makes his entrance with a short recitative. Joined by the choir, he then launches into a rollocking Gilbert and Sullivan-style number about his son. This song is part of the mini-operaA Boy Called Wolfie.
Permits the purchaser to place the contents of the download on their personal computer/mp3 player and to print one copy of the score.
Grants a licence to a single school to place the contents of the download on their server - and to print 3 copies of the piano score. For internal school use only.
Solo:Leopold That’s my boy My pride and joy The apple of my eye He may look small But he’s not at all And here’s the reason why
Solo & Choir: He’s going to be a big wig in the business The whole wide world will know his name for sure And even in two hundred years and maybe fifty more They’ll say that kid from Salzburg knew the score So here’s a name to remember, I hope it’s not too long I thought of it myself and so I’m sure that it will roll right off your tongue…..
Choir: CHORUS Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart It may sound preposterous, a bit like hippopotamus Theophilus is Greek and in the Latin it is Amadeus Mozart preferred Amade which is to say it ‘en Francais’ But Gottlieb is the German way
Solo: What do you think, does it really stink? Shorter might be best Choir: No, don’t fret, it’s a sure fire bet Let’s put it to the test Choir: Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart It may sound preposterous, a bit like hippopotamus Theophilus is Greek and in the Latin it is Amadeus Mozart preferred Amade which is to say it ‘en Francaise’ But Gottlieb is the German
Solo: We should have called him Herman
Choir: Spoken: HERMAN MOZART!?
Solo: Spoken: Ah, let’s just call him Wolfie
Choir: He’s really just a boy With music as his toy He’s just like you and me This boy called Wolfie!